PC Build Visualization

Executive Summary

Building my first PC in 2020 (incentivized to play more Dota and Valorant) taught me how overwhelming and rewarding buiding your first computer is. Choosing the right component, price, and configurations for your needs is non-trivial, especially for first time builder like myself. The experience sparked in me an idea of a PC build visualization to come to aid PC builders, from novice to enthusiasts.

Fun fact

Read more Each fall, Intel launches a new processor model in the “TickTock” mechanism: a shrinking in processor’s size or introducing a new processor. That’s a lot models to compare and contrast.


The data is scraped from from UserBenchmark.com, and while the data was debated by many on its accuracy, having a 1K observation dataset would be a good material for a visualization for future visualizer to base off of.


The visualization aims to help different PC builders to choose the right parts and decide whether an upgrade of worthy of price increase (coding, graphic design…), gaming, and desktop (aka light office use). We focus on the price and performance of each build and figure out a UI/data point design to make comparison easy.


Experimenting with different visualization tools and design choices give us a quick glance at the dataset and the visual types that will be suitable. Through each iteration, the data point is re-designed for a better approach that caters to the users’ goal: being able to compare among different builds. The exploration steps are:

  • Tableau for quick, exploratory viz to gauge a sense of the data
  • Python seaborn for more processing and explored with heatmap
  • Used sketching and R Studio to explore with chord diagram
  • Finally, I gathered the pros and cons of the previous viz, talked to another dataviz expert, read books, and resketched, wireframed and implemented the interactive visualization with Figma and D3.js

Exploratory Visualization with Tableau

A brief walk down Tableau

My first thought is to use Tableau for a quick turnaround. Tableau let me quickly explore how the viz looks with scatterplot, treemap and heatmap. We will observe how each chart type is fitting for our goal to make model comparison easy.


The scatterplot has an advantage that it puts the CPU and GPU next to each other, and allow us to plot 2 types of ratings (so 2 numerical + 2 categorical variables). The names being sorted are also very convenient, since users can see the marginal performance increase of each combo (and at time, regression, that using a more modern piece doesn't necessarily improve performance)


The heatmap is great on highlighting the rating differences as numbers are juxtaposed, but the eye movement to trace from the rating to the parts’ names vertically and horizontally can be extra cognitive load on the users.

Both of these plots have values to add to the final design: while the scatterplot enhances pairing by having the part names next to each other, the heatmap has the numerical data side-by-side. I thought of enhancing the pairing design with chord diagram, but while it’s a cool type of chart, the cognitive load to match pair to pair will also not be suitable for our purpose.

Iteration with chord diagram in RStudio

Besides visualizing rating, I thought it might be helpful to users to have a general suggestion chart that shows the most commonly used GPU-CPU pairs. Chord diagram as this type of chart is great for bipartite and directional relationships. However, this type of chart gets tangled up quickly, so limiting the number of relationships to display or allow users to switch in/out the pairs might reduce the visual complexity.

The demo is done in R using dplyr package and chorddiag package for visualization.

Redesign with Figma and D3.js

In the last iteration of the visualization, I aim to strengthen the UI pros and cons learned from previous visualizations. To make comparison easier, I thought of a simple idea in Mathematics: the rate of increase is depicted by the slope between two datapoints:

sketches to explore how to see price/performance increase with each builders

The next step was to design a datapoint that reflects a combination of CPU-GPU. Using two circles with different radius to reflect rating would work, however, the datapoint's components looks a bit detached from each other, and making a full circle might not be necessary.

I utilized the Gestalt principle of proximity (that objects positioned close are associated with each other), and decided to reduce the circle by half to save space and increase association of each build.
Prototype in Figma.

Wireframe in Figma

Design system

For the look and feel of the dashboard, I decided to use more "airy," digital-looking font to match the theme. For colors, of each data point, I use the brand colors of manufacturers with some curation (e.g. choosing among several colors used by the brand) to provide better contrast.

Final produt

Play with the final product here. After fully visualizing the dataset, I added the zoom feature as the datapoints can be very close to each other, unlike in our simplified version from the design.

For iterations

The current UI/Dashboard still needs refreshing whenever the viewport changes (i.e. when users resize the browser window). One possible way to tackle this is either to refactor the project to React and use useRef to modify the svg dashboard's dimensions and scales, but also possibly to just add an event listener to the window with javascript and redo the scale accordingly.