## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
cpugpu <- read.csv("./cpugpu.csv")
In this analysis, I focus more on the pairing of the most popular CPU and GPU (most frequently seen in the dataset) and the performance accordingly.
popcpu <- cpugpu %>% count(CPU)
popcpu <- popcpu %>% arrange(desc(n))
ryzen_5_3600 <- cpugpu %>% filter(CPU=="AMD Ryzen 5 3600")
ryzen_5_3600_GPU_pairing <- ryzen_5_3600 %>% count(GPU)
example_pairing <- ryzen_5_3600 %>% filter(GPU=="AMD RX 5700-XT")
AMD_Ryzen_7_3700X <- cpugpu %>% filter(CPU=="AMD Ryzen 7 3700X")
#find mean rating
AMD_Ryzen_7_3700X_Gamerating <- AMD_Ryzen_7_3700X %>% mutate(gameRatingInt = as.numeric(sub("%","",gameRating))) %>% summarise(meanGameRating = mean(gameRatingInt))
AMD_Ryzen_7_3700X_Pairing <- AMD_Ryzen_7_3700X %>% count(GPU)
example_pairing2 <- AMD_Ryzen_7_3700X %>% filter(GPU == "AMD RX 5700-XT")
intel_97_i700 <- cpugpu %>% filter(CPU=="Intel Core i7-9700K")
intel_97_i700_pairing <- intel_97_i700 %>% count(GPU)
i79700_pop <- intel_97_i700 %>% filter(GPU=="Nvidia RTX 2060")
#AMD Ryzen 5 3600X
ryzen_5_3600x <- cpugpu %>% filter(CPU=="AMD Ryzen 5 3600X")
ryzen_5_3600x_pairing <- ryzen_5_3600x %>% count(GPU)
#AMD Ryzen 5 2600
ryzen_5_2600 <- cpugpu %>% filter(CPU=="AMD Ryzen 5 2600")
ryzen_5_2600_pairing <- ryzen_5_2600 %>% count(GPU)
#only run this once if you haven't had the tool
## Skipping install of 'chorddiag' from a github remote, the SHA1 (1688d72c) has not changed since last install.
## Use `force = TRUE` to force installation
gpumatrix <- data.frame(RX5700XT = c(14, 11, 1, 4, 1), RTX2070Super = c(5, 5, 5, 2, 0), RTX2060 = c(2, 3, 3, 5, 2), RX580=c(1, 2,2,2,6))
gpumatrix <- as.matrix(gpumatrix)
row.names(gpumatrix) = c("Ryzen 5 3600", "Ryzen 7 3700X", "i7 9700K", "Ryzen 5 3600X", "Ryzen 5 2600")
chorddiag(gpumatrix, type="bipartite", showTicks = T, groupnameFontsize = 12, groupnamePadding = 30, margin=120)